
Corporate Responsibility



To deliver our promise to our clients, our Group needs committed and skillful people. To sustain its future the Group has to attract, retain, and develop the right talents. The development of our activities requires us to recruit more people: we are therefore creating jobs.

Our Employee Handbook is the cornerstone of our HR policies: it summarizes the rights and duties of our people.

Our HR team is responsible for defining and implementing our HR strategy and action plans, which are validated and approved by our Executive Management Board.

Our HR Profile

At the end of FY18/19, 654 people were working for IME Group (compared to 484 for FY17/18). 38% of our headcount are working for IME International, and 22% for IME Construction.

We aim to be a responsible employer and to provide equal opportunities to women and men. 46% of our headcount are women. Last year 73 employees were promoted, and among them, 58% were women.

Working Conditions

All our employees can enjoy different benefits:

  • Maternity and paternity leaves.
  • Financial support from the company when an employee has to deal with the death of its direct relatives. If one of our employees dies, the Company will offer a lump sum to his family. 
  • If needed, employees can apply to get an emergency loan, to deal with exceptional expenditures. 

To monitor the satisfaction of its people, the Group started to survey their perception. In 2019, the employees from IME Construction were asked several questions to probe their satisfaction. 82% of IME Construction employees shared their feedback:

  • 80% consider that it is safe to work for IME Construction.
  • 72% know about the vision and mission of the Group.
  • 71% trust their management.
  • 70% are satisfied with the quality of the training provided.

The commitment of our people is also reflected in our low absenteeism rate – 5%. However , our turnover rate was high  (44%) last year as we restructured the operations of our mining company. We have to invest to develop the skills of our managers and offer innovative benefits to retain the people we want to keep more efficiently. 


The Group recently performed an analysis of the critical skills needed to sustain its development.

Last year, IME Group invested almost MMK 36 million to develop the skills of its people. We focused our efforts on three areas mostly: finance, safety, and soft skills. These skills are critical to enhancing the productivity of our team.

As a result, we delivered 13,000+ hours of training last year, and each employee received, on average, 21 hours of training.


To take into consideration the specificities of the activities across our Group, each entity can specify its own procedures. IME Construction has developed sound OHS standards, and its employees are requested to wear their PPE.

Group-wide, we recorded 11 accidents last year: 10 at IME International and 1 at IME Construction. Fortunately, we did not have any fatality. For the time being, our Frequency rate (the number of accidents per million hours worked) is 9.


IME Group is trying to minimize as much as possible the intensity and impact of its activities on the environment.

At Group level, we consumed 2,370 MWh: 60% of the consumption is related to IME International activities, and 21% for IME Construction.

The energy mix of IME Group relies on 3 different sources: diesel (64%), electricity (29%) and gasonline (7%).

At Group level:

  • Our energy consumption induced the emission of the equivalent of 711,209 kg eq. of CO2, which represents a GHG intensity of 1,087 kg eq. of CO2 per employee.
  • The energy intensity of our operations reached 3,625 kWh per employee.
  • We consumed 3,928 cubic meter of water, which represents a water intensity of 6 cubic meters per employee.

IME Group will strive to reduce this in the future.


Customer satisfaction

We are working hard to deliver the best products and services to our clients. Last year, we managed 21,700+ transactions. We received 64 complaints, about 3 per 1,000 transactions managed. 82% of the complaints were related to quality.

As a result of our commitment, we are pleased to notice that our clients are extremely pleased with our services and products. We are conducting a customer satisfaction survey regularly and, the results are encouraging.

Supply chain

We are creating value across our supply chain: we are working with 1,300+ suppliers, and 96% of them are Myanmar companies. They are creating and sustaining jobs for Myanmar, which is creating value for our Country.

To ensure the quality of our supply chain, we are performing some audits – 9 last years.

In the future, we will increase our efforts, to secure our supply chain, more.

Responsible corporate citizen

Likewise, we donated MMK 110 million to fund various philanthropic activities. Two priorities are identified:

  • Disaster management. In 2017, after a fire incident in a village located in the Ayeyarwaddy region, one of our employees had his village almost destroyed. The Group supported him to rebuild its village.
  • Health. We donated to finance the  purchase of infusion pump, syringe pump, rituximab, bed chat and Ect to detect cancer better.

IME Group is currently registering its Corporate Foundation to fund, and manage its philanthropic efforts.